Great Deal: FDC服务器s 服务器 流量 (11.5 Months remaining)

We have a server that we don't need anymore. Specs are: Intel I7-3820 32 GB RAM 2 x 120 GB SSD 2 x 1.5 TB HDD 30 IPs (6 different C Class Subnets, perfect for SEO) 10 TB Monthly Transfer 100 Mbit Uplink Datacenter: Chicago This is paid for a year, so the next payment date is Mar/19/2013 After Mar/19/2013 you can switch the billing to monthly and pay only $187.5 per month. If you buy this server directly from them you'd have to pay $379.00 monthly as you can see it here: We are looking for $1100 transfer fee only. So with this fee, you'll get the server already paid for 11.5 months. ($91 per month.) You cannot find this price anywhere else. To get this server, PM or email to Oktay

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