A fully managed 服务器 for your Website. No Control panel required. Leaner, meaner!

Managed dedicated server How can a business go for years without dropping the ball at least once? For the skeptics, and you have every right to doubt random postings on the Internet, it's very easy to spot fake reviews. Some folks have developed good flair for debunking such unscrupulous individuals or organizations that stain the Internet with fake reviews. In our case, and this is the main difference, we are emphasizing the fact that UNIXY has NOT received a single negative review in more than 3 years. It is one thing to fake reviews but to not receive any negative review is a genuine proof that we work hard to please and keep our clients. UNIXy is a managed vps and dedicated server company with a 5-year proven track record in Web hosting. We strive to stand out from the "rack and pile" businesses by offering value-add on top of our higher quality service. We invest capital in research and development that ultimately benefit our customers. In this offering, we are making available technology, that thus far, has hardly been accessible to the public, including the big firms. Are you running a set of delicate scripts? Is your programmer unreachable? Our managed service is truly unmatched. Do you just need your server matters taken care of while you focus on your business? UNIXy is the only firm in the market to provide third-party application support. If it's on the Web, it's supported! Don't just take our word for it, here is what some customers think of our service: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1116671 (WHT member since 2002)

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