EdenHost.Com - vBox @ $4/m[Luxembourg] | 1Gbit | OpenVZ/XEN VPS | B'Day Promo Inside!

EdenHost.Com has introduced a new range of Virtual Private Servers on the occasion of completion of our 2nd year! These servers come with better specifications, features and are on stronger nodes than the previous ones! Our VPS are located in Steinsel, Luxembourg and are powered on Xeon processors which are made typically for Virtualization. The Virtual Boxes are fully customizable and come in both OpenVZ and Xen technology. All the servers we provide are sufficient on bandwidth and feature a 1GBit connection. Setup is instant upon payment! Let me just remind you...we have 2 awesome promotions running this month. Moreover, there is a giveaway contest on the run! You can scroll down to get more details on these. But before that, have a look at our plans - OpenVZ Linux VPS(Luxembourg)

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