Unrated Bandwith @ 1GB 内存 @ 100GB DISK = 10$

Im promoting on my dedicated server the sale of 3 vps in it, its for my personal use, so i will not show me as company because im not, just simple as that. I have been arround webhosting world and i believe if someone tells the truth about selling personal vps not to gain profits, just to help with server expencies its better then create one fake company with fake details. My personal website: carlos-faustino.com Everyone can see details of me by googling me because of soo mutch years i never had the need to hide myself. My personal server its used for my personal functions of streaming web data to other servers and its allmost dont use on other resource metters, saying disk, ram or processor resources so i can split them without oversell because i will not overload it, because i will keep the server stable for the tasks i need. The specs are: 1GB RAM 100GB Disk Unrated Bandwith 1 Processor 1 IP France location Its not allowed nothing on that country that can be lead to the server suspension. Porn child or attacks on other services its forbithen Other elligal acts are forbithen too. Services i checked with sutch content can lead on suspension with no refunds To order just email me to eu@carlos-faustino.com and i will tell the process of order. If in any way this treath is offencive or agaisnt the rules please tell me. Thanks for the time to read this post. Best Regards

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