1 GB VPS [US/EU] with instant deployment starting at just 4€/mo (50% off)

All HostHash servers include: -Instant Setup -Instand upgrades/downgrades without reboot -RAID Protected Disks -99.9% Uptime -Fast OpenVZ Virtualization -Full Root Access -Reverse DNS -Unlimited OS Reloads -24x7 ticket Support Current Specials: Use coupon WHTVPS for a 50% off your first payment (doesn't matter if you order for 1 month or 1 year, your first payment will be 50% discounted). ================================================== Budget VPS - Level 1 ================================================== - Instant Activation - 20 GB Disk, RAID - 500 GB Monthly Bandwidth - 1 Core, Intel Xeon E5-2620 - 1 GB Guaranteed RAM - 1 IPV4 For just: 8€ Monthly (80€ annually) Deploy NOW ================================================== Budget VPS - Level 2 ================================================== - Instant Activation - 30 GB Disk, RAID - 1 TB Monthly Bandwidth - 2 Core, Intel Xeon E5-2620 - 2 GB Guaranteed RAM - 1 IPV4 For just: 15€ Monthly (150€ annually) Deploy NOW ================================================== Budget VPS - Level 3 ================================================== - Instant Activation - 40 GB Disk, RAID - 1,5 TB Monthly Bandwidth - 3 Core, Intel Xeon E5-2620 - 4 GB Guaranteed RAM - 1 IPV4 For just: 25€ Monthly (250€ annually) Deploy NOW ===================================================================== Location available: Nord Carolina US (available), Amsterdam EU (soon) ===================================================================== Additional ip's are available. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us

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