VMware Windows or Linux 1GB 内存 - 1 Physical core 2.3GHz 50GB 15K HDD VPS $15

We provide Windows and Linux VPS hosting using VMware 5.1 which provides true Hardware Virtualization and High level of Isolation from other virtual machines on the physical server. By using VMware , each virtual private server is allocated dedicated CPU and RAM for guaranteed performance. VMware VPS Lnux or Windows Simple - NO Gimmicks 50 GB Disk Space NetApp 15K 500 GB Monthly Transfer 1GB Ram, 2.4 Ghz CPU 1 Dedicated IP 1GB Link $15/month Link Windows and Linux VPS Hosting No limit on SMTP relay, No Limit on IPV4 IP addresses with justification, Memory is not shared and all advertised memory is dedicated. No Contract / Money back guarantee 100% (No Questions asked!). This is not OpenVZ where a 50 ppl sharing same physical resource....

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