E3 V2's + Double HDD / Double 内存 / Managed + No-Downtime Migrations = Sleep Easy

HUGE discounts and Double RAM/HDD on Fully Managed E3 V2 servers (similar performance of an E3 1270). Get them while they last! What does FastServ 'Fully Managed' mean? Not all managed hosting is created equal. FastServ sets the bar higher on fully managed hosting: * Zero-downtime Migration * Server hardening * Security updates * Firewall management * Software installation * Service monitoring Additionally, we will monitor your server and make sure you are never faced with the following issues: * Unexplained crashing * Hacking and security problems * Slow speeds * Software installation issues * Unexpected downtime * Unhelpful support replies Read more about our Managed Hosting features: http://www.fastserv.com/managed-hosting/ See the Hyperspin report, regarding our actual uptime history: http://www.hyperspin.com/publicrepor.../16709/2/49787 And finally, our 100% Uptime Guarantee: http://www.fastserv.com/legal/service_level_agreement/ Still have questions? Let us know: http://www.fastserv.com/contact/ -------------------------- MANAGED E3 1230 V2 -------------------------- E3 1230 V2 CPU 16Gb RAM Double RAM FREE 2x1TB HDD Double HDD FREE Free migration service from your existing host Unshared, premium bandwidth West and East Coast Datacenter Fully Managed Support $169/mo with Coupon Code: wht2011 ($100/mo discount!) http://www.fastserv.com/managed-host...edicated_quad/ ------------------- Speed Tests: East (Ashburn/W.D.C.) Speed Test: West (San Diego) Speed Test: TERMS: *All prices reflect month to month terms. *7-day cancellation notice required Please see additional terms and conditions (Privacy, AUP, TOS) on our site: http://www.fastserv.com/legal/

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