Dallas KVM VPS starting from $10/year

Shardhost is a UK LTD company (reg 07679837) that has been providing hosting services since June 2011. We currently serve over 3500 clients. We own all of our VPS hardware. All services are currently being offered out of our racks in Dallas, Texas (Colo4Dallas DC via CC). We think these offers provide great value and suit a wide variety of uses. Some reviews of our service: http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/shardhost-7month-1024mb-kvm-2048mb-openvz-in-dallas-texas/#comments http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/8936/shardhost-review http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/9418/shardhost-review http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion...-had-shardhost Website ToS AUP ========================================== All nodes use: Supermicro servers Intel Xeon E3 1240 v1/v2 processors Enterprise Hard Drives (WD RE4 or Seagate Constellations) / Raid 10 1Gbit Ports ========================================== 256mb KVM - $10/year (Price correct today) RAM:256MB Swap:256MB vCPU:1 Disk Space:5GB Transfer:256GB DIRECT LINK 512mb KVM - $20/year (Price correct today) RAM:512mb Swap:512mb vCPU:1 Disk Space:10GB Transfer:512GB DIRECT LINK 1024mb KVM - $40/year (Price correct today) RAM:1024MB Swap:1024MB vCPU:2 Disk Space:20GB Transfer:1024GB DIRECT LINK 1024mb KVM - $7/mo(Price correct today) RAM:1024MB Swap:1024MB vCPU:3 Disk Space:100GB Transfer:1024GB Port: 1Gbps DIRECT LINK All EU clients will be subject to 20% VAT

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