独立 服务器 for Sale - 4x2.6Ghz/8GB 内存/2TB HDD/100MBIT Unmetered.

Hi Everyone, We (My-Shoutcast.net) have a server that is Colocated with FDC Servers in Zlin, Czech Republic no longer being used. We are selling the server, along with the 6 months of Colo fees that remain. Server Specification: ---------------------------- AMD A6-3650 Quad Core 2.60GHz 8GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM 2TB Seagate Baracuda 5900RPM DVD R/W Drive 100MBIT Unmetered 2 x /29's (10 Usable IP's) Currently the server is installed with VMware ESXi 5, but as it has an optical drive FDC will install any standard Operating System free of charge. This server has been setup to automatically boot on a power outage (Which happen every so often at FDC as most people will know, although they are not frequent at Zlin) We are selling this as is, you will then own the hardware and on renewal in December the colo fee is $79/month or you can have it sent back to you. We are open to sensible offers, and they can be billed through our company - My-shoutcast.net Offers in GBP please and as we are no longer using this server it is ready to be transferred upon receipt of funds. You can either reply directly to this thread or Click Here to contact us directly.

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