Hetzner 流量 EQ8 & EQ10 LIMITED TIME

Up for transfer are (2) EQ (now discontinued - but still supported) models from Hetzner. http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/product/rootserver/eq8 -EQ8 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 (8 cores /w HT) 24GB RAM with SSD and 13 usable IPs (75 EUR/Monthly without VAT) http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/pro...ootserver/eq10 -EQ10 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU X 990 @ 3.47GHz (12 cores with HT) 24GB RAM with (4) SSD in RAID 10 and 2 usable IPS (230 EUR/Monthly without VAT) Asking price for EQ8 is only $75 and server will be transferred immediately to your account at Hetzner. Its all automated now at Hetzner. Asking price for EQ10 is only $200 (OBO) and server will be transferred immediately to your account at Hetzner. Its all automated now at Hetzner. Steps : (1) Accept offer (2) Screenshot and validity of the server will be shared (3) Pay €80 to my by Paypal (4) I will create the "Transfer Token" (5) Under "robot", the Hetzner automation system, you start transfer by entering the token (6) I release the transfer from my account and server shows immediately under your control * I cannot give token before payment because to generate it I have to rescind cancellation and then if you refuse to buy I will be left in another month of payment for the server * New users can place order on Hetzner main site and select Transfer in it, which will create the automation system login for them Recurring Monthly cost of BOTH servers is €300 (VAT not included) Email me - nicholasboccio@gmail.com !!

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