AcmeVPS :: 1gb 内存, 2gb swap, 50gb space, 2 Cores, 10 mbps or 3tb, $4.95/month!

AcmeVPS is happy to announce our grand opening! We are focused on the small business and personal home user. We make it affordable to just get started doing what you love to do. To avoid any overages or unsuspecting account suspension, we start all plans with 10mbps of bandwidth. Do you need to burst or would you just prefer faster speeds? You can contact our support department to switch to 3TB of bandwidth and a gige port at any time. We keep our plains simple, we offer three unmanaged plans with plenty of resources to get you started: Acme 1GB 1GB RAM 2GB Burst 50GB Space 2 CPU Cores 10mbps OR 3TB (default is 10mbps, contact support to swap to 3TB) 1 IP Address OpenVZ/Virtualizor $4.95/month - Order Now Acme 1.5GB 1.5GB RAM 3GB Burst 60GB Space 3 CPU Cores 10mbps OR 3TB (default is 10mbps, contact support to swap to 3TB) 1 IP Address OpenVZ/Virtualizor $7.45/month - Order Now Acme 2GB 2GB RAM 4GB Burst 70GB Space 4 CPU Cores 10mbps OR 3TB (default is 10mbps, contact support to swap to 3TB) 1 IP Address OpenVZ/Virtualizor $9.95/month - Order Now We do not allow torrents, Tor, IRC, proxies, spam, etc. If there is a question of what we will host, please contact us at sales [at] All signups must match IP/location and have a verified PayPal account. We are hosted on the Dacentec network in Lenoir, NC. The Dacentec network features bandwidth from Tinet, TeliaSonera, Cogent and private peering. All of our servers are connected via a 1gbps uplink. Test IP: Test Download: We look forward to serving you!

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