★Save $1065/Month ! Free Windows 服务器 & MS SQL 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition

For a limited time Dade2 is offering both Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition and MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition on all it's dedicated servers. All you need to do is to enter the following coupon code: “freems” to save $1065 each month ! You can check our offers here: http://www.dade2.net/#!/services/dedicated/ All our servers are managed and every server includes the features below to help reduce costs, increase performance and allow you to focus on your core business and customers. ADVANCED NETWORK MONITORING Monitors the network for problems caused by overloaded or crashed servers & other devices. REMOTE DESKTOP ACCESS We allow you remote desktop access to your server applications for maximum control DAILY BACKUPS Your data is automatically backed up using R1Soft, ensuring that your information is kept safe & sound. FOREFRONT ANTIVIRUS PROTECTION Detects & treats hundreds of thousands of viruses, worms, trojans and other threats. MANAGED FIREWALL Protects your server from various network attacks from unsolicited incoming traffic. 24X7X365 SUPPORT All our products and services are backed by our Support Team. Our engineers are all MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers) and have over a decade of experience in the hosting industry I will be your account manager and I will make sure every WHT member gets the best service. You can reach me by PM or email: majdi [at] dade2 [dot] net

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