Maple-Hosting - NL Hybrid Virtual 服务器s (Since 2008) | Xen | Linux & Windows

Maple-Hosting has been providing advanced, reliable and affordable online solutions since 2008. We are now offering a special promotion to all WHT users on top of our huge public sale. Promotion Applies to: Hybrid Virtual Servers 1. What is a Hybrid Server?
  • Our special Hybrid Virtual Servers series consists of virutal servers shared by a maximum of five customers.
  • The advanced capabilities of the Xen hypervisor allow us to create a powerful, stable and isolated enviornment for your VM.
  • Simply put, this is the power of a dedicated server with a much smaller price tag.
2. How much am I saving?
  • 10% OFF ALL Hybrid Servers!
3. How can I get it? Use Promotion Code: Code:

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