Hello everyone, We are still settling down in Seattle, WA. It's not only a nice city, but a very nice server location! We are currently working with ColoInSeattle to get these prices so great as they already are. 8GB Opteron Seattle 8GB DDR2 Ram 250GB Hard Drive AMD Opteron 2216 Processor 5TB Monthly Bandwidth 100Mbps Port 4 FREE IP Addresses INCLUDED ORDER HERE - About ColoInSeattle: Coloinseattle Tukwila datacenter is located in 12201 Tukwila International Blvd, inside the Sabey Technology Campus Facility which is the largest Private Internet Wholesale Datacenter provider in North America to date. Being located in this technology campus, we are sharing the benefits of having Robust power availability and high numbers of fiber interconnectivities that are shared with our datacenter neighbors. We are on the same campus as companies such as: Microsoft, Oracle, Providence Hospital, Chase Manhattan, University of Washington, King county and the Department of Homeland Security. Live Support We try to be on live support as often as possible. Support Tickets EVERY Support Ticket is responded to within 12 hours of submission. Most are responded to within 5 hours, depends on how busy we are. Setup Time All servers are setup within 72 hours of purchase, however, most are within a smaller time frame. Test IP:

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