Ironclad服务器s - 2x Quad Core/4Gb 内存/120Gb RAID1 - 24.7.365 support - $89/mo

IroncladServers provides satisfactory and dependable hosting solutions, at an affordable cost. From shared hosting to colocation, we help with tranfers between service types when the need of our clients grow and they require more dedicated solutions for their websites or mission critical applications. Based out of our Halifax, Canada datacenter, all our equipment is 100% owned and maintained, and none of the services are resold from a third party. All plans/services receive discounts based on length of billing term. 6 month billing terms receive 5% discount, and yearly or more billing terms receive 10% discount. These discounts are already applied to the package prices and do not require any special task to acquire them. Testimonials Be the first to post and feature your review here, on any prominent hosting forum! Current promotions can be found here. Dedicated server plans (order link) IcS-D-1 2 x Quad Core 1.86GHz 4Gb RAM 2 x 120Gb RAID1 500Gb transfer /29 - 5 usable IP addresses $99.99/mo ($89.99/mo or get some free months - special promotion listed above) If there are any questions please submit a support ticket!

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