SSD Nodes | 50% off NEW Cloud | 512MB 内存 for $4.95/mo | 7 Day Refund! | Canada

SSD Nodes, Inc. @SSDNodes Introducing our NEW Personal Cloud! For a limited time get 50% OFF using promo code WHT. The new SSD Nodes Personal Cloud complements our Business Cloud by offering cost-effective virtual servers and full root capabilities. About SSD Nodes: SSD Nodes is a provider of on-demand datacenter services, specializing in reliable, high performance cloud computing and dedicated servers. Our services are designed for organizations seeking secure, scalable, and enterprise hosting solutions that can be quickly deployed to meet custom requirements. We consistently deliver an experience that exceeds customers' expectations. We use the fastest enterprise SSDs in our SuperMicro servers to provide the highest reliability and performance. Our superior network redundancy gives you incredible flexibility and peace of mind. Our business cloud nodes have very low density to ensure you have the highest reliability and consistent performance. Our datacenters are staffed 24/7 by the brightest in the industry. SSD Nodes, Inc. is a privately held company based in Southern California. ====================== Read our client reviews and discover why our clients rely on our cloud servers! 1) (client for 1 year)) 2) (client for 1 year)

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