★★ 不限 Net | Xeon Quad Cores ★★ - starting at $99/mo!

Looking for a new host? Unlimited Net is proud to offer Responsive, Reliable and Secure servers in South Bend, Indiana, USA, just outside of Chicago. Our ultimate goal is to serve our clients needs, so if you don't see the configuration you are looking for below, please contact me directly! What do we have to offer? Entry Level: Intel Xeon E3-1230, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 1TB Drive, 5TB of Data Transfer on 100Mbps, 5 usable IP Addresses, $99/mo Order Link -> https://www.unlimitednet.us/dedicate.../order/?id=930 Mid Level: Intel Xeon E3-1230, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 2x1TB Drive, 5TB of Data Transfer on 100Mbps, 13 usable IP Addresses, $160/mo Order Link -> https://www.unlimitednet.us/dedicate.../order/?id=932 Enterprise Level: Intel Xeon E3-1230, 32GB DDR3 RAM, 2x1TB Drive, 10TB of Data Transfer on 100Mbps, 29 usable IP Addresses, $215/mo Order Link -> https://www.unlimitednet.us/dedicate.../order/?id=933

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