1 ONLY - 16GB/QuadCore/3TB HW RAID1 $109/month

Specs are: HARDWARE Supermicro based server 1x E5405 QuadCore CPU 16GB ECC RAM 3ware 4-channel RAID controller for hardware RAID 2x1TB drives in HW RAID1 2x 2TB drives in HW RAID1 (3TB disk total available) your choice of Linux: Debian 6.0 / ProxMox 2.1 / CentOS6 / Ubuntu 12.04LTS SuperMicro IPMIView access included (remote reboot, KVM, virtual media etc.) NETWORK Hosted at Handy Networks, Denver, CO 2 IP addresses included, more available at $2/IP per month 4TB burstable bandwidth per month, over Gigabit Ethernet connection Payment: via PayPal or company check SPECIAL FEATURES: VOIP/FreePBX/Asterisk companies - this server is located in the same datacenter as Conexiant.com VOIP services and any VOIP traffic to/from Conexiant will travel over Gigabit links to them. VOIP ADD-ON - $5 for 500 minutes of Conexiant's USA termination.

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