PRICES LOWERED! Sprocket Networks 独立 服务器s in LA and Dallas-$20 off for lif

WE JUST LOWERED OUR PRICES FOR ALL SERVERS IN INVENTORY Sprocket Networks, a 10 year veteran of enterprise hosting, is providing a dedicated server deal with zero setup fee in both Dallas and Los Angeles. Use coupon code $20offwht Here is everything you get with your dedicated server (more specs are on the web-site link below): * between 300 and 1000 gb transfer depending on the server you order * 100Mbps FastEthernet port, fully burstable * /29 CIDR (8 total / 5 usable IPs) * IPv6 available upon request also * Free reverse DNS * Free monitoring and alerting * Free reboot power reboot * Free IP/KVM as needed for troubleshooting, or you can add this to your account as a dedicated IP/KVM for your server for only $10 a month. * 24/7 Support place your order here: You can run ping tests to Order by 11AM CST USA and you can be online the same day we get your order. You server will be hosted in one of Sprocket Networks downtown Dallas data centers or it’s downtown Los Angeles data center that all provide 24/7 support. This is a month-to-month no contract offer with 30-day cancellation. If needed, we can customize any way you would like. Please contact us at or you can Place your order here We accept credit cards and PayPal. IF YOU PAY WITH CREDIT CARD, YOU WILL HAVE TO SEND US COPIES OF YOUR ID AND THE CREDIT CARD. Thanks for looking!

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