New 服务器s from Versaweb! Xeon E3-1240v2 + 16G 内存 + 1TB HDD + 25TB 流量 - $99!

Hello WHT! Versaweb is pleased to introduce our new Xeon E3-1240v2 Value Server! Intel Xeon E3-1240v2 CPU 16GB DDR3-1333 ECC RAM 1TB SATA HDD or 128GB SSD 25TB Premium Bandwidth / 1Gbps Port 5 IP Addresses / Private VLAN Remote Reboot + IMPI Available Introductory Price - $99 per month! Discounts available for 3, 6, or 12-month pre-payments Click Here To Order Now! Upgrade to 50TB Premium Bandwidth - $50/m Upgrade to 100TB Premium Bandwidth - $75/m Want to customize your server? Please see our web order form for upgrade details and pricing - we can customize the RAM, hard disks, and many other options on these servers. We also offer discounted control panel licenses, Windows OS licensing, and countless other upgrades and add-on's. If you need something but don't see it listed, just ask us! All of our dedicated servers are hosted at the Fiberhub SAS70 Type-2 certified datacenter facility in Las Vegas, Nevada, which features N+1 HVAC systems, full UPS and generator backup power, and and state-of-the-art access control and security monitoring systems. Our network features multiple 10Gig-E uplinks to Tinet, Cogent, and Our BGP4 multi-homed network is excellent for Asian end users, as we are located a mere 5ms from the major Asian peering points in Los Angeles. Please contact us if you would like a test IP or test download file. Questions? Please feel free to contact us via email at sales [at] versaweb (dot) com or send us a PM.

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