SUGARHOSTS - X3050 Dual Core w/ 258 IP's, No IP justification required, only 1 left

Sugarhosts offers the best network for Asia and US visitors in Los Angeles. We also have an optimized link to EU! Don't believe? Do ping and download tests! Test IP: 10MB Test File 100MB Test File Now we are running a special promotion. 258 IP's Server Intel Xeon 3050 Dual Core, 2gb ram, 500GB sata, 5TB, 258 usable IP's $500/month + $100 setup fee $1200/quarter + $50 setup fee $3960/year + $0 setup fee No IP justification required! We can deliver this server within 1 business day. Spamming is not allowed. If you do spamming, server will be terminated at once. SPECIAL SERVER FOR VPS PROVIDERS Intel E3-1240v2 4/8HT cores at 3.4ghz, 32GB Ram, 4x1TB SATA, Hardware RAID 10, /29+/27 IP Block(34 usable IPs), 10TB Traffic $279 WOW! HIGH QUALITY E3 SERVERS Intel E3-1220v2 4 cores at 3.1ghz, 8gb ram, 500GB sata, 5TB $129 Intel E3-1220v2 4 cores at 3.1ghz, 16gb ram, 500GB sata, 5TB, free cPanel $149 Intel E3-1240v2 4/8HT cores at 3.4ghz, 8gb ram, 500GB sata, 10TB $159 Intel E3-1240v2 4/8HT cores at 3.4ghz, 16gb ram, 2x 500GB sata, 10TB $219 HIGH END E5620 SERVERS Intel Dual Xeon E5620 8/16HT cores at 2.4ghz, 12gb ram, 500GB sata, 10TB $299 Intel Dual Xeon E5620 8/16HT cores at 2.4ghz, 24gb ram, 4x500GB sata w/hardware raid+BBU, 10TB $486 Intel Dual Xeon E5620 8/16HT cores at 2.4ghz, 32gb ram, 4x500GB sata w/hardware raid+BBU, 10TB $500 NEW INTEL E5 SERVERS Intel Dual Xeon E5-2620 12/24HT cores at 2.0ghz, 16gb ram, 2x 1TB sata, 10TB $359 Intel Dual Xeon E5-2620 12/24HT cores at 2.0ghz, 32gb ram, 500GB sata, 10TB $359 8 HDD/12 HDD LARGE SERVERS Intel Dual Xeon E5-2620 12/24HT cores at 2.0ghz, 128gb ram, 8x2tb hdd hw raid10+bbu, 30TB $899 Intel Dual Xeon E5-2620 12/24HT cores at 2.0ghz, 128gb ram, 2x128GB SSD Raid1 8x2tb hdd hw raid10+bbu, 30TB $939 Each server has 5 usable IP addresses ( a /29 subnet ). We can install below operating systems: CentOS/RHEL Debian Ubuntu SuSE VMware XenServer FreeBSD Windows 2003/2008/2012 (starting from $20 per physical cpu) We DO NOT use any refurbished servers like other budget providers in Los Angeles. Please contact us via LiveChat or email to order above servers.

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