*NEW* Staminus: DDoS Protected Hosting / High Performance VPS - Starting at $20/mo

Since 1998, Staminus continues to offer the best DDoS Mitigation in the industry. Take advantage of these amazing deals and experience why we are the #1 DDoS Mitigation Hosting Provider in the world. All Servers come standard with: - Free remote rebooting - Free port monitoring - Free operating system reinstalls - Free general support - Free (3 rules) custom firewalling at our router - Reverse dns management/delegation via website - Software raid1 available free of charge with 2 drive systems on CentOS, Debian, or Ubuntu - CentOS, Fedora, Gentoo Liveboot, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, and Windows Supported SecurePort DDoS Protection Upgrades - 1 Gbps up to 30+ Gbps packages available - Call or email us about our SecurePort packages. We can build a custom quote for you. - We protect small sites. We protect enterprise sites. We can protect your site from DDoS attacks. - We stop all DDoS attacks - 3 Patent Pending Technologies - Contact us for more information. ***************************************** To order, and for other configurations, please visit https://www.staminus.net/CLOUD-OVERVIEW. Maximum RAM on systems is 32GB. 1 Cloud Cores 40GB SecureStor Storage 1GB RAM 2000GB BW Linux or Windows ===> $20/month 2 Cloud Cores 60GB SecureStor Storage 2GB RAM 4000GB BW Linux or Windows ===> $40/month 2 Cloud Cores 120GB SecureStor Storage 4GB RAM 8000GB BW Linux or Windows ===> $80/month 4 Cloud Cores 240GB SecureStor Storage 8GB RAM 16000GB BW Linux or Windows ===> $160/month 8 Cloud Cores 480GB SecureStor Storage 16GB RAM 24000GB BW Linux or Windows ===> $320/month ***************************************** Technology We employ Xen Hypervisor technology via Citrix Xenserver to deliver enterprise grade cloud virtualization for every customer. Xen Hypervisor delivers full hardware virtualization for virtually every operating system. Redundant Cloud Nodes Your virtual slice resides on many servers. If one server were to go down, your slice gets automatically moved to another physical server. 10 Gbps Network Internet connections need to be fast and storage connections need to be fast. The days of 1 Gbps networking are coming to an end. Staminus cloud nodes take advantage of 10 Gbps network technology. This allows us to deliver 1 Gbps network connectivity to your virtual machine! Storage Your virtual machines are not stored on local storage. Local storage on each cloud node contains XenServer and nothing else. All configuration and actual data are in cloud storage. Your data resides on redundant high performance enterprise SAN hardware. Each SAN node can achieve thousands of I/O operations per second, far exceeding SATA, SAS, and even some SSDs! This is real performance that is delivered to your virtual machine. ** We do not use RAID10 local storage for our virtual machines. We use high performance enterprise redundant SAN! Follow us! Facebook Twitter Test link: https://www.staminus.net/test.100mb.zip Deal pricing is honored for up to two weeks from post, unless otherwise noted. This deal is only available to new customer signups. If you have questions or comments, please feel to post here, email sales at staminus dot net, call toll free 866-323-8306 (+1-949-202-5305), or visit our website for live chat. Thank you,

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