Premium Business Grade 服务器s - 24HT Cores - 64GB 内存 - 4x 15K RPM SAS Drives RAID10

•••••••••• About InnoHosting •••••••••• For almost 10 years, InnoHosting has been providing premium business grade hosting. For almost 10 years we have been powering businesses and providing them with a robust & solid foundation that they can build their web presence on. With an emphasis on quality, we don't compete on price - we don't provide budget services. From government divisions to prestigious Universities - our services are used globally by a wide array of organizations and businesses. •••••••••• Reliability? Prompt Support? How About Both? •••••••••• When it comes to dedicated hosting, we understand you're going to be running crucial business services. Uptime, a reliable network and knowledgeable staff are paramount. InnoHosting is a business centric web host which puts your business needs at the heart of our services. With InnoHosting, prompt support and reliability aren't a luxury. They are part of our core services. For a business, every second counts - we understand that. It's why our support team is available 24x7.

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