AMD 8 Cores - 32GB Ram Special - RAID 10 - FREE cPanel & Management!

Hello, Do you want a server with high performance for that heavy site or simply heaps of ram for caching, maybe you want a nice server to offer shared/reseller hosting? Look no further as in a number of weeks time we shall have another hardware order sent to Joes DC in fact we have already provisioned over 10 of these servers and looking to provision more due to the high demand we have been getting for these boxes. This is a one off special offer which we shall never run again!

推荐站内搜索:工业和信息化部网站备案系统、国外服务器、查询ip、虚拟主机租用云服务器租用平台、域名注册中心、香港云主机、网站虚拟主机、动态vps秒换ip、青岛ip代理、免费个人网站服务器、香港服务器、防攻击ip、海外域名注册、备案域名、美国主机网、网站虚拟主机、域名 价格、重庆电信服务器托管、美国服务器租用网站、购买域名郑州服务器托管、ip反查域名、域名ssl证书、香港云主机、免费http代理ip、注册 域名、1g美国虚拟主机、海外虚拟主机、