♦ Limestone Networks ♦ Gaming configs & more! Quick provisions! Prices from $100!

♦ Limestone Networks ♦ Gaming configs & more! Quick provisions! Prices from $100! Quad core processors are an effective and proven platform for gaming. Furnished with SSD technology, these servers really fly! Because typical provisions take less than two hours, you can have your game server ready for action right away! Additionally, Limestone Networks is housed in a Tier 4, SAS-70 Type II Certified datacenter located on the Dallas 911 power grid with multiple tier 1 & 2 fiber carriers. Simple. Solid. Superior. Why have your servers anywhere else? Click one of the coupon codes below to begin your order! Intel Core2Quad Q9550 (2.83GHz/core) 8GB DDR2 RAM 128GB Samsung 830 SSD 3,000GB outbound bandwidth 100mbps uplink port speed Standard Support ♦ With Monitoring Unmetered inbound bandwidth 20GB NAS Normally $137. ONLY $100/month! Coupon Code: GWWHT124A Intel Xeon E3-1230v2 (3.3GHz/core) 8GB DDR3 RAM 128GB Samsung 830 SSD 500GB SATA HDD 5,000GB outbound bandwidth 100mbps uplink port speed Standard Support ♦ With Monitoring Unmetered inbound bandwidth 20GB NAS Normally $177.49. ONLY $135/month! Coupon Code: GWWHT124B Intel Xeon E3-1270v2 (3.5GHz/core) 16GB DDR3 RAM 150GB 10000RPM SATA 1TB SATA HDD 5,000GB outbound bandwidth 100mbps uplink port speed Standard Support ♦ With Monitoring Unmetered inbound bandwidth 20GB NAS Normally $217.99. ONLY $160/month! Coupon Code: GWWHT124C See all of our dedicated servers here! You can follow us on Twitter @limestoneinc If you have any questions about this sale, you can send me a private message or reply to this thread. -mike

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