Asia 独立 服务器 VPN Provider Allowed.

Netxons Technology is a leading web hosting company based in Malaysia that was founded on the principal of providing the best webhosting solutions to their customers. We specialize in providing services such as Dedicated server, Virtual Private Server, Co-location, Webhosting with premium bandwidth at Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong Data Center & multiple upstream provider with superb connectivity to the world. Our objective is to establish partnerships with our clients to ensure they receive quality services and we know that our success is dependent upon the success of our customers. Below is the configuration we used to provide to our VPN provider customer. Processor Intel Xeon E3 - 1230 3.2 GHz 8GB ECC DDR3 RAM 2 x 500GB SATA 20-100Mbps International Uplink Speed 5000GB - 1TB Public Bandwidth 58 IPv4 Address Maximum per server Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong Data Center Interested? Feel free to contact us at or PM. We happy to assist anytime. We pretty sure and confidence you can't get the price we offering from other company.

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