New Year 2013 with 独立 服务器 on Boost Performance...

Hello everyone , We are from Nicosoft Media has back to offer you on our dedicated servers and offer an excellent services and reliable servers. We believe and sure can help and moving forward for your business and your needs in the end of year 2012. For USA, we are bring and offer to you with Intel Xeon E5 series and AMD 6272 (16 Cores). ORDER HERE For more information/questions, please don't hesitate to contact our sales. We receive the payment on Paypal only with your verified account. Why Choose Us ? 1. Our business has running from 2004. 2. We have any staff who have great experience for 5 years and certified by MCSE, RHCN, RHCE, CCNA. 3. We manage directly for all servers. 4. All transaction secured by EV SSL. We provide support by : - Live Chat (On our website). - 24x7 Email Ticketing. - Instant Messenger (YM,Live Messenger,Skype). Please read our term of service before you order *** We Always Keep/Give The Best Quality Services for You *** Thank you for coming .

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