!!OFFERS!! Reliable 独立 服务器s !!January Sales!!

Xpress Web Developers started out in 2004 as moderndayworld as a web script services. In 2006 Xpress Web Developers was created and hOSting services was also added into the website. This is our first ever promotion here at xpress web developers and has drawn in over 50 new customers in the past week. We aim to be one of the cheapest and most reliable service, our support is 24/7/365! Included In All Packages; Choice Of OS Platform Reboot Hardware Three Power Sources MRTG Graphs Real Time Monitoring History Interventions SSH Access 24/7 Reliable Support Eco Rooms Secondary DNS (optional) 24/7 Monitoring Managed / Unmanaged VPS VPS Control Panel Uptime 99.9% DEDI-MINI $69.99 - Storage: 2 x 500GB - Bandwith: 5,000 GB - Memory (RAM): 4GB - Switchport: 100MBPS - Best For Starters Purchase DEDI-MINI DEDI-SMALL $94.99 - Storage: 2 x 1,000GB - Bandwith: 5,000GB - Memory (RAM): 8GB - Switchport: 100MBPS - Best For Small Business Purchase DEDI-SMALL DEDI-MEDIUM $159.99 - Storage: 2 x 1,000GB - Bandwith: 5,000GB - Memory (RAM): 16GB - Switchport: 100MBPS - Best For Medium Businesses Purchase DEDI-MEDIUM DEDI-LARGE $244.99 - Storage: 2 X 2,000GB - Bandwith: 20,000GB - Memory (RAM): 32GB DDR3 - Switchport: 100MBPS - Best For Enterprise Business Purchase DEDI-LARGE DEDI-MAX $319.99 - Storage: 2 x 2,000GB - Bandwith: 20,000GB - Memory (RAM): 64GB DDR3 - Switchport: 100MBPS - Best For Heavy Usage Purchase DEDI-MAX Kind Regards, Diesel

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