VPS.NET - The Best Things In Clouds Are Free Auto-Scaling!

Free Auto-Scaling – Just for January Sign up for a Cloud Server from VPS.NET this month and auto-scaling is on the house. This month, VPS.NET’s cloud servers come with extra flexibility thrown in. In January, we’re giving away a free auto-scaling upgrade with every server created. Auto-scaling adds elasticity to everything you have online. So, when it’s rush hour on your website, or your site has caught some extra attention thanks to a great review or blinding offer, auto-scaling will increase the size of your server to make sure you can cope with the traffic. Then, when the demand cools off, it simply shrinks it back to usual. The best bit? The freebie lasts for the life of your plan. How do I signup? Order Online Instantly! Need more info? Email us at sales@vps.net What can the cloud do for me? The cloud offers an environment that promises high availability and extreme scalability. Both of these give you higher uptime, and better speeds. In the long run, this means better site visibility, more visitors, and more money in your pocket. The cloud works for new sites, growing sites, and existing sites. How will the cloud work for me? The cloud is the muscle of the server world. It inter-connects several extremely powerful servers, which work together to host your site. With VPS.Net, you’ll have HP Enterprise Storage hosting your data. Your VPS is initially booted up onto one of our servers. If that server ever has a problem, your VPS is immediately hot migrated over to another server, without disruption to your site. What about managing my cloud? You’ll have two choices. You can go down the semi-managed route. This option is free, which means we won’t charge you to make a quick tweak to your server. Alternatively, if you want to take a hands-off approach to administration, go for a fully-managed system. It’s $69 a month. Go down this avenue and we'll handle the entire configuration of your website, migration of your website, and then proactively monitor and manage your server to make sure it is operating properly. Are reseller opportunities available? With the industry-leading technology and infrastructure from VPS.Net, you can start offering your own customers cloud servers. With a powerful API, you can easily automate all the functions of the VPS server creation, without your customers ever knowing that VPS.NET is doing all the work for you behind the scenes. We also provide a simple WHMCS plugin, which can get you reselling in minutes. We’re social! Get to know us on Twitter and Facebook

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