Introductory offer! UK-based 独立 服务器, £1 for your first month!

For a limited time only, £1 dedicated servers from! ** LIMITED FEW REMAINING!** To give all new clients a flavour of what its like to join the growing ranks of Daily Dedicated Server Customers, we are proud to offer the first three servers in our dedicated range for £1 for your first month! Not only will you receive industry-leading new Dell branded hardware as well as a choice of operating system, but your new server will also come with… *No set-up fees *No long-term contracts. *UK-based data centres *In-house, UK-based support engineers *Full SLA As we only have a set number of servers allocated to this initiative, we reserve the right to offer this on a first come, first served basis. Should you wish to join our network indefinitely, we are also able to offer a tailor-made management package to suit your business needs. Please visit us at to order now, or call our sales team on 0800 612 9012 to order your new server now!

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