VPS 服务器s in Costa Rica - 99.9% uptime SLA

Powerful Virtual Private Servers (VPS) located in Costa Rica. The flexibility and ease of use of our Control Panel for virtual servers, can be suited to the specific requirements and budget of each client. We have combined Xen virtualization technology with a cluster of powerful Multi-Core hypervisors to provide you with the most powerful and reliable virtualization platform located in Costa Rica. 10 Levels of processing power With 10 levels of CPU, RAM, and disk capacity, you can opt for the plan that best fits your specific requirements and pay only for what you need. Choice of Windows or Linux Operating Systems We offer a wide variety of operating systems in 32-bit or 64-bit to choose from. View Microsoft SPLA licenses. Full Root / Administrator Access You get full control of your VPS as if it were a dedicated server. Access available via SSH, Remote Desktop, Web Console, or other Terminal Services. Unlimited Bandwidth Unmetered bandwidth from a 10 Mbps line. Managed DNS control included Manage your domain's DNS records directly from your Control Panel. Easy to use Web Console Reboot, Shutdown, or access your server from the Web. It's just like having KVM console access! 1 Costa Rica Dedicated IP Address (more available) 24hr English/Spanish Support + 99.9% uptime SLA http://www.crservers.com/virtual-private-servers.html ****VPS SERVER PROMO CODE**** F7MNBZ43RK - 10% off on all VPS server plans

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