★★★★ SUPER 100TB SERVER SPECIALs @ SERVSTRA!!! ★★★★ We are experts in high bandwidth servers and specialize in providing affordable 100TB servers and 1Gbps unmetered servers! Unlike many other providers who offer high bandwidth servers, we permit the streaming of legal content and you are able to use the full amount of your allocated bandwidth! Why offer high bandwidth if you can't use it all??!! We offer high bandwidth dedicated servers in the following locations:
  • Seattle, San Jose & Washington DC, USA (Softlayer DC's)
  • Dallas, USA (CoreXchange DC)
  • Kansas City, USA (WSI DC)
  • Amsterdam, Europe (Databarn DC)
Test files and test IP addresses for each of the data centers can be found here. ★★★ MASSIVE 100TB AMSTERDAM 100TB SERVER SPECIAL!! ★★★ We are offering the following Amsterdam based server with a 100TB of bandwidth for just $174/mo! Our bandwidth is guaranteed to be available, no overselling, no congestion!! The streaming of legal content is permitted!! Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 Supermicro Chassis 8GB DDR-3 ECC RAM 2 x 250GB SATA Hard Drives 100TB bandwidth 1 Usable IP Address Unmanaged IPMI2 + KVM access Databarn data center (Amsterdam) FREE Setup! | $174.00 per month!!! ORDER NOW! We only of 1 of these available at this CRAZY price! As always our bandwidth is guaranteed to be available, no overselling, no congestion!!

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