[UK] Dual Quad Core Xeon Blowout! 16GHz Processing Power From £95 per month!

Hi WHT, We have just a few of the following dedicated servers at our Manchester data centre: Dual Quad Core Xeon 5310 (8MB Cache, 2GHz) 4GB RAM (Upgradeable to 16GB) Choice of Disks and RAID 2TB Bandwidth (Upgradeable to 100Mbps Unmetered) For more information, please see our order form: https://www.quickvps.co.uk/cp/cart.php?a=add&pid=113 Find out more about us: http://www.qualityservers.co.uk/about-us/ These are based in our own rack at Synergy House, Manchester. If you need several servers, contact us - we'll give you a discount.

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