24 cores, 32GB 内存, 3TB 存储, 100MBIT - from just £599 per quarter.

We have a couple of machines currently not in service (sourced for a client, surplus to requirements), so we're offering them to the general public. Details can be found below. Processor: 24 core AMD Opteron. Memory: 32GB. Storage: 3TB. Bandwidth: 100MBIT unmetered. Location: EU. Setup: £0 Quarterly: £799 24/7 support. 99.99% uptime. Free end user support. Fully managed. Two remaining, setup within 2 hours. Commit to a two year term and pay just £599 per quarter as well as receiving an upgrade to 48GB of memory free of charge. Also willing to accept any reasonable monthly offers. Payment via net 30 and purchase order available for certain business entities. We require payment in advance for individuals and companies for which we are unable to verify credit viability. Email hallie@affinity.so to take advantage of this offer.

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