★ SECURED SERVERS ★ $58 Dual Core G6950★ $78 Quad Core Xeon X3430 at Phoenix NAP!

Secured Servers is proud to announce its brand new Dual Core server - the G6950 for only $58! To give you an idea of how fast this new server is, let's compare it with a few common servers!
  • 56.14% faster than an E2180
  • 623.14% faster than a P4 3.2
  • 88.93% faster than an E6600
  • 191.31% faster than an Atom 3300
  • 132.24% than a Dual Xeon 3.2ghz
That's over TWICE as fast as a dual processor 3.2Ghz Xeon - for only $58!! Established in 2003, Secured Servers (www.SecuredServers.com) is supported by our staff of highly-trained technical account managers, network engineers, certified support technicians, systems engineers, and network security specialists, to provide our clients with the best dedicated hosting solution possible. Hosted in the enterprise Phoenix NAP datacenter (www.PhoenixNap.com) -One of our server cabinets: (Photo)

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