[流量] Hetzner X3 服务器

We bought this server few months back but no longer need it. Transfer Advantages- You get AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ (Currently Hetzner offers Athlon X2 4200 for X3 product line.) Server is clean and ready to be used, it has Centos 5 64 bit installed I am looking for transfer fee of USD 30 thru paypal. Rent is paid up to June 7, 2011 and next payment date in June 15, 2011 As non-EU customer I am paying Euro Hetzner Transfer Procedure as per their site- 1) With the "Create token" button you can create a token for the server transfer. This will be valid for 7 days. Please independently inform the Hetzner client who wishes to take over the server about the token. Adivce him of starting the transfer at "Servers; Server transfers; Start server transfer" using the Robot. 2) The new client can use the token to accept the transfer request via his robot access. Your name and address is displayed so that he is able to check whether he is dealing with the correct transfer. In addition all of the server details are displayed e.g. add-ons and IPs. If the new client is in agreement, he can start the transfer by acceptance via his robot access. As soon as this takes place you will receive an email. 3) After receipt of the email you can view the started server transfer in the robot by choosing the "Transfer" tab of the server. You will see the name and address of the client who has started the transfer, enabling you to check whether the request in fact originates from the correct person. In order to effectively carry out the transfer you need to explicitly accept once more with a button click. 4) The new client will be informed by email and the transfer is completed. Interested, please PM me.

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