Xeon E3-1270 3.4 ghz / 16 GB ram / 2 x 500GB HDD / KVM-IP / Europe or USA $175,- / mo

Swiftway, a leading International business provider (http://www.swiftway.net) that is known for its excellent support and services, offers the following dedicated server deals in the Netherlands and the USA. Swiftway is using some of the best connected dedicated hosting facilities in the world. Three locations available: Netherlands (Amsterdam) California (Fremont) Illinois (Chicago) Soon available: New York Speedtest NL : http://speedtest.swiftway.net 100 mbit speedtest Speedtest Fremont: http://speedtest-us.swiftway.net 1000 mbit Speedtest Chicago: http://speedtest-us-chicago.swiftway.net/ 1000 mbit Swiftway will expand to datacenter locations in New York and Hong Kong this year.

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