Managed Cloud Linux - free backup, software licenses

Dear all, We have several machines available in stock. The configuration likes this - Quad-cores CPU (2.4GHz + for each core) - 8GB RAM - 4x160GB SATA2 (or 250GB) raid10 - hardware raid card - Supermicro motherboard + chasis (you know its stability) Now offering - fully managed dedicated server (we will keep root access to maintain system health) - free Cloud Linux license - free Ksplice license (to keep your kernel updated) - free DirectAdmin license - free offsite daily backup - system check from Panopta every minute Each server will come with 2TB transfer/month on our premium bandwidth. The mix includes PCCW, NTT, Level(3) and Integra Telecom, that will help us to provide one of the best networks for Asia Pacific area. Costs? Just starting at $300/month. Drop us an email at NOW for ordering, or if you have any concern. Thanks.

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