Limestone Networks - CYBER MONDAY SALE! Q6600 $75/MO, Q9300 $95/MO, E3-1230 $110/MO

We have a Cyber Monday sale, valid until 11:59PM (Central U.S. time) today, Monday, November 28, 2011. These are amazing prices, as you'll see: Intel Core2Quad Q6600 2GB DDR2 RAM 80GB SATA2 Hard Drive 2000GB Bandwidth Unmetered Incoming Bandwidth Only $75.00 monthly if you order by Cyber Monday Intel Core2Quad Q9300 4GB DDR2 RAM 80GB SATA2 Hard Drive 3000GB Bandwidth Unmetered Incoming Bandwidth Only $95.00 monthly if you order by Cyber Monday Intel Xeon E3-1230 4GB DDR3 ECC RAM 80GB SATA2 Hard Drive 6000GB Bandwidth Unmetered Incoming Bandwidth Only $110.00 monthly if you order by Cyber Monday Hurry! You must order by 11:59PM Central U.S. time on Cyber Monday (November 28, 2011) to take advantage of this amazing sale. You can also follow us on Twitter @limestoneinc If you have any questions about this sale, you can PM me or reply to this thread. -mike

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