i3 & i7 specials starting @ $50 monthly! 100mbit Unmetered special!

Upgrade to 100mbit un-metered shared port for $50.00 a month additional! CPU: Intel i7 920 (2.66 GHZ x 4) MEMORY: 12GB DDR3 HARD DRIVE: 2x 1TB SATA NETWORK PORT: 100Mbps BANDWIDTH: 5000GB $170.00 / month / $0.00 Setup $150.00 / month / $100.00 Setup $130.00 / month / $200.00 Setup CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....?a=add&pid=199 CPU: Intel i7 920 (2.66 GHZ x 4) MEMORY: 12GB DDR3 HARD DRIVE: 2x 500GB SATA NETWORK PORT: 100Mbps BANDWIDTH: 5000GB $160.00 / month / $0.00 Setup $140.00 / month / $100.00 Setup $120.00 / month / $200.00 Setup CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=91 CPU: Intel i7 860 (2.80 GHZ x 4) MEMORY: 8GB DDR3 HARD DRIVE: 2x 500GB SATA NETWORK PORT: 100Mbps BANDWIDTH: 5000GB $150.00 / month / $0.00 Setup $130.00 / month / $100.00 Setup $110.00 / month / $200.00 Setup CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....?a=add&pid=151 CPU: Intel i7 540 (3.06 GHZ x 2) MEMORY: 4GB DDR3 HARD DRIVE: 500GB SATA NETWORK PORT: 100Mbps BANDWIDTH: 5000GB $90.00 / month / $0.00 Setup $70.00 / month / $100.00 Setup $50.00 / month / $200.00 Setup CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....?a=add&pid=182 CPU: Intel i7 540 (3.06 GHZ x 2) MEMORY: 4GB DDR3 HARD DRIVE: 500GB SATA NETWORK PORT: 100Mbps BANDWIDTH: 5000GB $90.00 / month / $0.00 Setup $70.00 / month / $100.00 Setup $50.00 / month / $200.00 Setup CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....?a=add&pid=162 OS: These are the common distributions that we use, however if you require a specific distro, please let us know. CentOS Fedora Scientific Linux Ubuntu Suse Fedora Debian Windows Network & Peering Providers: Sprint nLayer Bandcon XO Carpathia Xeex Equinix Direct Level 3 Cogent Readnews Limelight Hurricane Electric Savvis PCCW-BTN Location: Baltimore, Maryland TEST FILE/IP: FILE: http://www.reliablehostingservices.net/100MB.zip IP: We can also offer numerous other configurations, just send us a pm and we'd be happy to answer any questions. Contacts: http://www.reliablehostingservices.net support@reliablehostingservices.net Phone: 888-693-8309

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