[NL]服务器Touch.com - VPS Hosting starting from 3€/mo | 30% OFF

servertouch.com: We offer cost-effective yet powerful VPS packages for those who do not require the power of an entire dedicated server. All our vps come with full administrative access allowing you to create a hosting environment that is tailored to your requirements. Special Offer 30% Recurring OFF. COUPON CODE: VPS30 Servers Location All the servers are located in The Netherlands VPS Plans ST-VS1 Disk space - 10GB Bandwidth - 300GB Ram - 128MB Dedicated IP - 1 Connection - 100Mbit SolusVM Control Panel Root Access - Yes Fixed Price: 3€/mo ST-VS2 Disk space - 20GB Bandwidth - 700GB Ram - 256MB Dedicated IP - 1 Connection - 100Mbit SolusVM Control Panel Root Access - Yes Price: 8€/mo Discounted Price: 5.60€/mo ST-VS3 Disk space - 30GB Bandwidth - 1000GB Ram - 512MB Dedicated IP - 1 Connection - 100Mbit SolusVM Control Panel Root Access - Yes Price: 10€/mo Discounted Price: 7€/mo ST-VS4 Disk space - 50GB Bandwidth - 1500GB Ram - 1024MB Dedicated IP - 1 Connection - 100Mbit SolusVM Control Panel Root Access - Yes Price: 20€/mo Discounted Price: 14€/mo ST-VS5 Disk space - 80GB Bandwidth - 2000GB Ram - 2048MB Dedicated IP - 1 Connection - 100Mbit SolusVM Control Panel Root Access - Yes Price: 36€/mo Discounted Price: 25.20€/mo If you need a custom plan, please send a mail to sales@servertouch.com Click Here To View & Order All Hosting Plans Include: 99.9 % Uptime Guarantee 24/7 Premium Technical Support 100% Privacy Assured 30 Day Money Back Guarantee Contact Us: Sales: sales@servertouch.com

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