- openVZ, 2048MB 内存, 200GB HD, 2000GB BW, 100mb/s, 1gb/s, $6/mo (FR/DE)

MyRSK webhosting solutions has entered the budget vps market since 9 months (globally). However, we have been providing webhosting solutions since 2009 locally - in Dubai for young entrepreneurs and startup companies. We are currently holding strong with many, many happy clients :-) 512VZ (Choice of France or Germany) 512MB RAM Guaranteed 50GB HD 500GB BW @ 100mb/s (1gb/s available for $1 additional) $6/month - lowest price guaranteed "locked-in"! order: 1024VZ (Choice of France or Germany) 1024MB RAM Guaranteed 100GB HD 1000GB BW @ 100mb/s (1gb/s available for $1 additional) $11/month - lowest price guaranteed "locked-in"! FREE Addons Pack (10GB backup space + hosted DNS!) order: 2048VZ (Choice of France or Germany) 2048MB RAM Guaranteed 200GB HD 2000GB BW @ 100mb/s (1gb/s available for $1 additional) $21/month - lowest price guaranteed "locked-in"! FREE Addons Pack (10GB backup space + hosted DNS!) order: 5 days money back guarantee, no BS Locations/Test IPs/Test Files: For queries or support please submit a ticket : We have the following OS Templates in major versions, as well as different arch's (32/64) Centos Debian Fedora SuSe Ubuntu We DO NOT allow : Phishing Hacking Port Scanning P*rn*graphy (of any kind) IRC Bots Spam Proxy Nulled Scripts Website : Cheers, Ryan

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