[US-NC/TX] Catalyst Host - OpenVZ - Double resources! Starting at $4.50/m

Don't settle for a provider that feels as though they are "letting" you access their servers. Pick a provider who wants to earn your money. Catalyst Host has been providing hosting services since early 2011. We are a small operation consisting of two friends that go way back. That is Ryan Arp and Jarland Donnell. In the last few months we added VPS to our product line, with both Denver, CO and Lenoir, NC as our locations. Just a few weeks ago we added Dallas, TX to the lineup. Our clients have already made this venture a success, and we are thankful for every one of them. As our promotion for the month of November, we have double resources on several items through the end of the month. These will not be reflected on our website, but they will be automatically applied to any new VPS created in this time frame. Generally we are not too generous with our promotional sales, as our focus is quality rather than quantity, so I advise you to jump on the deal if you see something you like. Lenoir, NC & Dallas, TX

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