Massive服务器 Restructuring--Becoming a 独立 服务器 reseller for 2 years has operated at quite a loss, in the next few days we will be shutting down our servers and moving them out of the data center Serverpronto which operates from the same data center at a much greater volume than us has agreed to take on MassiveServers few customers. I will attempt to find a suitable server package that compares to what our clients currently have and then arrange for a temp. IP so they can move their data. Those of you that have opted for FULL server management will be assisted in the entire transfer process and will continue to have customer support available through our parent company which will not be effected by this move at all. Again, we are trying to make this process simple and painless for our valued clients. We will be redoing the MassiveServers website to reflect the offerings as a reseller of third party servers Please feel free to contact me

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