[UK] RapidSwitch August Clearout - Xeon Quads from £50 p/m -

Hello Again! We've still got some Intel Xeon Quads to clear out at even lower prices: L5520 Special 1 L5520 CPU 32GB RAM 4 x 146GB SAS RAID 0/1/5/10 Linux/VMWare 100Mbit Port 10,000GB Bandwidth Up to 5 IPs Rolling Monthly Contract Free Setup £50 Per Month! L5520 Special 2 L5520 CPU 64GB RAM 4 x 300GB 10K SATA RAID 0/1/5/10 Linux/VMWare 100Mbit Port 10,000GB Bandwidth Up to 5 IPs Rolling Monthly Contract Free Setup £70 Per Month! Order either of the above machines and qualify for a half price upgrade to gigabit port for only £20 p/m extra!! Call us on +44 1753 471 040 or Email us on sales@rapidswitch.com Our sales team will be happy to answer any questions you might have. If these offers are not suitable just tell us what you need and we'll build you a custom package Offers available whilst stocks last. All prices exclude vat at the standard rate

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