★★Intellyhost Special Week End offer on VPS & KVM hosting-PURE SSD-HurryLimited Stock

Intellyhost is one of the fastest growing web hosting company.We are offering amazing deals on our Virtual Servers. All our Services are packed with a Full Management Contract through which we solve all server administrative issues completely free of cost for our clients. Our Servers are in - Germany, USA. What does our Management Contract Include? Initial VPS setup with applications of your choice. Server administration, troubleshooting whenever needed. Free Migrations upto 25 Websites. Anything else that doesn't involve website coding & development We are offering flat 40% discount to our normal open VZ plans. Flat 15% discount to our Cpanel and direct admin plans. Flat 40% discount to our KVM plans. COUPON CODES - VPS40Off (40% Life Time Discount. Not Applicable to Cpanel plans) 94GVNHK4N8 (15% Life Time Discount. Applicable to Cpanel plans) IPV680OFF (80% Off for IPV6 Plans for 1st Month) Payments Accepted via - PayPal, Cc Avenue, 2Check Out EU IPv6 VPS PLAN

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