Kazila 独立 服务器s - Atom $59 / E3-1230 $109 / Dallas, TX

Please email sales@kazila.com if you have any questions. Kazila is a debt-free, privately held company with no intentions of selling any time soon. We have a few of these in stock that have just become available. Setup time is 12-48 hours after order: --------------------------------------- Intel Atom Processor D525 (1M Cache, 1.80 GHz) 8GB RAM 1 x 1TB Drive (Seagate Constellation) IPMI Included* /29 Included 10TB Bandwidth / 1Gbit Uplink Located in Dallas, TX USA $59/month / $0 Setup --------------------------------------- Intel Xeon E3-1230v2, 8x HT cores 16GB RAM DDR-3 1600 ECC 1 x 128GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD IPMI Included* /29 Included 30TB Bandwidth / 1Gbit Uplink Located in Dallas, TX USA $109/month / $0 Setup --------------------------------------- Test IP Address: * IPMI is currently setup on the same LAN as the machine meaning a reboot will also reboot IPMI. This will be corrected within the next couple of weeks. First OS reload is free, $20 for each OS reload thereafter. We cover ANY network/hardware related issues that may arise. Hardware replacements within 4 hours, guaranteed. If you have any questions, would like to place an order or require custom solutions please send us an email.

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