- OnAPP SSD VM with DC redundancy from € 2,7/month

Buy CloudONE with promotional code webhostingtalk-cloudone and get 10% OFF Forever!!! DomFlow, brand of SeFlow reputable dedicated italian provider, founded in 2004, is happy to announce new SSD true cloud deals. Based on onAPP we developed a real full Cloud virtual datacenter with data copy in 2 DC. CloudONE is a real HA IaaS platform. Based on SSD disks and virtual storage technology, your data will be written in 4 different hypervisor between two datacenter. You will also able to hot migrate your data from VM to Smart Server and vice-versa. Some Features: - high availability on two italian datacenter (located in Milan) - Full SSD storage (based on Samsung PRO disks) - Free Snapshot backup and o.s. reimaging with other 100 templates - Flat 100mbps bandwidth - FREE whitelabeled DNS Anycast - FREE APPS for your iPhone and Android - FULL API or WHMCS Reseller module avaiables - BIG Discounts for your Domains Registration and much more. FULL Features here Buy CloudONE with promotional code webhostingtalk-cloudone and get 10% OFF Forever!!! Check our Videotour and see how is simple use our CloudFlow platform Have you suggestion or want see our roadmap? Full Price list from € 2,7/month Question? Doubt? Do you want talk with our Head Cloud Manager? Contact Form

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