E3 1240 (Quad Xeon) - 32GB 内存 - 4 x 500GB Disk - 10TB @ 1Gbps - 125 IPs - $120/month

GetDedi is back with an amazing offer for VPS Providers! Only 17 in stock! So hurry up! CPU: Intel Xeon Haswell E3 1240 Memory: 32GB DDR3 ECC Storage: 4 x 500GB Western Digital RE4 Free IPKVM (IPMI) with remote media 10TB Premium Traffic on a blend of Level 3, Telia, XO Communications 1Gbps Uplink /25 IPv4 (125 Usable IP Addresses) (Additional /25 IPv4 is just $45/month extra) Located in East Coast (Buffalo, NY) with great connectivity to Europe This little beast is only $120/month with $0 Setup Fee. Click here to order: https://getdedi.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=8 (24/72 Hour Setup Time) Note that you have to be a VPS Provider in order to justify for the huge IP space. If you are just going into the business, we can deliver the IPs in /27 subnets and assign up to /25 as you justify for new blocks.

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