★★★ T1HOSTING - VPS Starting at $8/mo ★ FIRST MONTH FREE ★ New Hardware ★★★

T1Hosting https://t1hosting.com T1Hosting is offering some powerful and unbeatable VPS packages. Tired of the slow speeds and poor performance on other hosts? Switch to us and eliminate the problem. All VPS are on new Dell PowerEdge servers hosted in New Jersey, USA. Plans start at just $8/month and include a FREE month when you order any annual plan! In addition, the 512MB plan offers the FIRST MONTH FREE, no strings attached. This is to give you time to evaluate our services before making the move! Need a custom configuration? Just ask! sales@t1hosting.com 512MB VPS $8.00/mo (click here) 512MB RAM 50GB Disk Space 500GB Transfer 1 CPU Core (3.33ghz) First Month FREE with coupon code "GAZELLE" 1024MB VPS $12.00/mo (click here) 1024MB RAM 75GB Disk Space 1000GB Transfer 2 CPU Cores (3.33ghz) 2048MB VPS $20.00/mo (click here) 2048MB RAM 100GB Disk Space 1500GB Transfer 2 CPU Cores (3.33ghz) 3072MB VPS $40.00/mo (click here) 3072MB RAM 150GB Disk Space 2000GB Transfer 4 CPU Cores (3.33ghz) https://t1hosting.com/vpshosting.php sales@t1hosting.com

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